FAQ | Events

Criada por Administrador InChurch, Modificado em Dom, 1 Out, 2023 na (o) 3:54 PM por Emily Lima

Do you have some questions about using our "Events" area?

Here, we'll gather the main questions our clients have about this feature.

Oh, and if you have a question that you feel it's important but it hasn't been shown here, just let us know! ;) 

After all, this FAQ is in construction and you can always collaborate. 

Can I publish the church's cults only at the "Agenda" and not in "Events"?

All the events are available in the area of Events in the app. During the moment of publishing it, you have the option to add that event into the Agenda from the "Show in the Agenda" part in the publication. Currently, we don't have the option of configuring the event just for the agenda part. 

How can I generate the tickets of people who applied in person at the church?

In the Event's registrations control, the church has the possibility of generating an Independent Ticket. The church will fill the data and the enrolled will receive the ticket in his/her email. All the tickets that were generated this way will be free and signalized with a "N/A" status - that is, they are not going to interfere with the financial report of the event. 

Can I register a recurring event?

Yes! In our system, the church has the option of creating recurring events or single ones. If your event is a Recurring Event, like a praying one that happens regularly, you can fill out the fields "Repeats at" inserting the times and the event frequency (day, week, month or year) and "Ends at" for when you wish to conclude the recurring (never, after x times or at a determined date). 

Can I create specific questions for the event registration? 

Accessing the created event, we have the Additional Informations area. This is the area where all the options of complementary informations are available, which you can choose to request to be answered during the ticket buying or acquisition. We have some information already done, but the church can create new questions according to its needs. 

Can I create a hybrid event?

Yes! When you create an event, the church can choose if it is going to be in-person, online or hybrid. If it's hybrid, the church can insert informations like the meeting place's address and also the URL where the online meet will be transmitted. 

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