FAQ | Multimanager and Financial

Criada por Administrador InChurch, Modificado em Dom, 1 Out, 2023 na (o) 3:55 PM por Emily Lima

Do you have any doubt about our Multimanager and Financial area on the platform? 

So, check it out down here: we've made a list with the main questions on this area! 

Oh, and if you have a question that you feel it's important but it hasn't been shown here, just let us know! ;) 

After all, this FAQ is in construction and you can always collaborate. 

How to create a sub-church?

At the multimanager, in churches, there will be a button "create new church". In this area, the church will place all its registration data (CNPJ, contact email, logo, address, contact phones, social networks).

How can I register the church bank account?

In the multimanager area, the church's responsible being an ADM of the denomination will select the church - in the list on the churches tab - in which they wish to register their bank details. If your scope is local, you should click only on “My church”.

When scrolling to the bottom of the page, you will see the "Data for Payment Accounts" area.

After filling in this area and sending the information, the Safe2Pay and Granito accounts will be created automatically. We have an article here in our knowledge base that details the step by step of this process. Click HERE

What's the difference between the reports (General, DRE, Cash flow)? 

The report DRE ("Demonstrativo do Resultado de Exercícios" in Portuguese), is the income statement for the fiscal years. This report will show the operating costs, revenue deductions, financial and operating expenses of the church, in gross amounts and at the end of the net amount for these years.

The cash flow will show the past balance for these years, showing the total made up to that period and what is expected compared to the previous period.

The general is everything that enters the church account, in the period stipulated in the filter, such as tithes, offerings, events, donations. In both reports, the church is able to apply the month and year filters.

What is the difference between maturity, scope and receipt/payment?

Maturity is the deadline on which that service can be paid for.

Scope is the date when the donation or purchase was made (event ticket), regardless of whether payment has already been made or not.

And payment/receipt is the day this service was paid/received.

Why does the name of Safe2pay and not the church appear on the bill and PIX?

It's not possible to have the name of the sub-account (churches) as a beneficiary in place of Safe2Pay, as this is an intermediary, and that's why Safe2Pay is in the description of the PIX voucher.

And on the bill, depending on the bank and the type of voucher, the final beneficiary is the register that issued the payment, that is, it'll display the name of your church, but it depends on the type of voucher and the bank.

What is the difference between "business unit" and "cost center"?

The business unit is the physical location within the church (a department), such as a bookstore, for example.

The cost center of this bookstore would be the purchase of books for resale, investment in marketing or renting the space. Book sales would be the revenue center.

What is the difference between payer and supplier?

The payer is someone who pays something to the church. Like, for example, a person  who's been tithing or an offerer. Supplier is responsible for providing something to the church, such as materials for a department, food for the canteen, a designer who produces arts and the like.

Supplier is the responsible for providing something to the church, such as materials for a department, food for the diner, a designer who produces arts, etc.

Can I have a different bank account to receive events?

Not currently. The receiving account, for all e-commerce transactions, is the account in which it was registered when creating the means of payment (Safe2pay and Granito). However, after receiving these transactions, the church can transfer the amounts to other accounts in which it wishes.

Can I automatically associate the user with the tithe value?

Automatic associations occur in the case of transactions made via e-commerce due to our integration with payment methods. In relation to manual entries made by the financial officer, what the church can do to make this record appear in the report is to register the user as a payer and register associating this tithe receipt with that registered payer.

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