FAQ | Live

Criada por Administrador InChurch, Modificado em Dom, 1 Out, 2023 na (o) 3:57 PM por Emily Lima

Do you have some questions about our "Live" area?

So, take a look down here, we've made a list with the main questions about this area!

Oh, and if you have a question that you feel it's important but it hasn't been shown here, just let us know! ;) 

After all, this FAQ is in construction and you can always collaborate. 

While creating the Channel, is the YouTube ID the name of the church's channel?

No, YouTube provides a code which refers to the channel ID. To access it, you need to go up to your Youtube page and enter with the email and password that manages the channel account you registered on the control panel. After logging in, click into the profile picture and, then, in Settings. A menu will appear and, on its left, you will see the Advanced Settings. Clicking on it, you will find the Channel and users ID's. 

Does the transmission start automatically in the app when we start on Youtube?

Yes, if your YouTube channel registered on the platform has a transmission associated with it in the panel. If not, you will need to enter the control panel, into the "Live"  > "Channels" area, click on the channel and signalize that it is live now. So, if you've chosen to notify users with push notifications, they will receive a message that the live stream has started.

What's the difference between channels and transmissions?

"Channels" is where the church registers its YouTube channel, so, every time a channel goes live, the transmission will be shown. "Transmissions" is where the church registers independent or associated transmissions with the channel. In this area you can schedule transmissions according to your YouTube arrangements or even the schedule of an independent video on Youtube.

Why my transmission doesn't show in the app?

The videos on the Youtube panel must have the permission enabled to stream. To do this, you need to change the "Allow Embedding" permission in Youtube's Advanced Settings, allowing it in external apps.

Will every livestream show in the church's agenda?

No. While creating the transmission, you must indicate that you want it to appear on the church's agenda, otherwise they will not appear.

Can I set Spotify as a Radio on my application?

No. In the radio area it's required to use a radio stream. To verify if the URL is valid, it is necessary that only one player appears in the middle of a black screen when placed in the browser. URLs like Youtube, Deezer and Spotify will not work in this area. Learn more HERE.

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